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23rd Annual Huskie Men's Hockey Golf Tournament


The 23th annual golf tournament was held on Thursday, July 6. Like previous years, the tournament was held at the Legends in Warman. The weather was great, the course was awesome and the drinks were cold. It was great to see many hockey alumni, current university and professional players, and business people, playing in the tournament. Thanks to everyone for playing and encouraging others to play.

Looking ahead to next year, I have an idea for tee gifts. This year, when players took their tarps off, lots of pink, saggy skin was evident. Maybe a Skating Dog logoed Bro to house some of the man boobs?? No “suns out guns out” As usual, for an event like this, lots of people need to be thanked for their help. Cam Bristow – Huge thanks for helping to organize. It is always nice to have someone who is always offering to help out and…. he has a truck. Brist and Todd Markus ran the beer and pizza table. Thanks to Shannon Briske, and Brad McGinnis – They were the title sponsor this year and their contribution was very much appreciated. Mark Hinz and Brett Parker - MMK were the cart sponsors. Tim Leier was the supper sponsor and Trevor Winkler and Doug Senyk were the Tee gift sponsor. Thanks to Paul Cyr, and Tyler Scheidt– They ran the Wager Hole and like always, it generated a lot of extra money. They also helped with tee gifts and registration. Thanks so much you guys!! Thanks to Boston Pizza and Buck at Great Western Brewery for providing Beer and lots of pizza for lunch. A huge thank you to Dan Hulak – RBC Dominion Securities Inc. He again provided the 4 hole in one prizes. Even though no one made a hole in one, it is nice to play for something on each of the par 3’s. Thanks Dan for arranging the prizes for this. Last, thanks to Davidson Matancyk and Boomer and the Legends Country Club in Warman. Thanks for providing great service, from accommodating our wishes, to getting the carts ready, and providing an excellent meal. There were some complaints about players driving over the stakes by the greens. Happens every year, but I am not sure how much enjoyment you get by doing that? Dumasses!! We can be better!!

Winners this year at (-11) were David Stumborg, John Lawrence, and Cam Blair. They ended up winning in a playoff beating Connor Gay, Jordan Tkatch and Parker Thomas. They are the proud owners of the beautiful championship belts for this year.

Long drive winners were – Brent Twordik and David Stumborg Please keep a date open for a day for next year's tournament, Thursday, July 4. Lots of guys really helped out this year and your efforts were very much appreciated. Let me know if you are interested in being part of this prestigious group! Good luck to Brandin Cote and the Huskie Hockey team this year. Should be an exciting year. Enjoy your summer!

Dan Leier Pistol


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